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Jul 31, 2014

Peace at Last

Something happened to me today. It happened in a flash and in that moment, the path I had been traveling on, simply ended.

I had been feeling so much love for my twin all day. It was like a light burning inside me and so beautiful, different, unlike anything I'd felt in the past for him and then I had a flash, a moment where I saw him standing on a beach, in an alcove. The beach was being restrained by an old sea wall way out in the distance and he was very far away from me.

At first I intended to say nothing, but to silently send my love as I do everyday, but then I thought this is a vision and I have some control over it and the love I was feeling, it was so pure, not wanting anything, just a joyful, peaceful feel and in the end, I just ran to him and I hugged him and my love burst forth like a tangible force. I felt it and I began to cry as I sat there and tried to hold the vision for as long as I could.

In that vision, as I hugged him, I could tell he was disoriented, and he started to push me away, but I

May 4, 2014

The Night My Twin Taught Me True Surrender

I have had an experience that changed my life and I believe when we experience those things, we need to share them so that others may find a piece to their own life puzzle through what we’ve shared. For me it was a moment on a beach with someone I love and it taught me surrender.

Surrender to my weight, surrender to the twin flame being what it was, surrender in my writing… surrender to god and honestly my life is not the same.

I’ve waited to write about this because I was watching to see if it was a permanent change, or a onetime glow. I was waiting to see how it would manifest in my life and what changes it would usher in. I think many of us struggle with true surrender, especially in the spiritual. It’s hard to surrender to something you can’t see and don’t know what’s real or what’s your imagination. For me, I had worked my way up to surrender in most things, but what I hadn’t mastered was staying in surrender. I was like the child in that poem who gave the broken toy to god, but never actually let go of it so god could fix it. I’d give it to god, then I’d pick it right back up again. It was a very long existing pattern and I am a very stubborn and independent woman.I knew that the only way to truly see change in my life was

Jan 22, 2014

How I Survived the Loss of my Twin Flame

I love my twin flame. I cannot express that enough. Even in separation, even with having to deal with my anger towards him on a near daily basis, I love him. Being with him taught me so much, but never think that is because of who he was, it's because of what we were together. The experience and how I chose to respond to it is what made me strong, is what made me transcend.

The artery was cut on October 3rd of 2013. He did something he simply cannot take back, nor does he want to. We spoke two other times after that, but I don't think at that point there was anyway to fix what we'd done to one another.

The last time we spoke, he said I'll call you back in 20 minutes, I haven't heard from him since.

All of October, I could barely get out of bed. I was suffering depression unlike anything I'd ever felt in my life. I had literally no strength. I did much of nothing other than sleep. I just kept thinking about how much pain I was in and how he didn't care... he didn't really love me... I was contemplating giving up on my dreams, the new life I'd started just a year and a half earlier. I was literally considering going back to my ex husband and staying in bed playing computer games the rest of my life.

Then November came and I got angry.

Dec 26, 2013

Soul Metamorphosis

Twin Flames… it’s been a hell of a journey and for anyone in the midst of it, being on the other side of the most painful part, the one thing I would tell you is to stop looking for the obvious. We all fall into this wanting the great love of our life, but in truth, if we let go of that, if we back up and just let the experience roll over us, we are left with more gifts than we can ever imagine and we are changed at the very core of our being.

It has been two months since I’ve spoken to my twin, but the effects on my life from the year and a half we spent together are still revealing themselves every day.

I’m in the process of a re-birth of sorts, a soul metamorphosis if you will. Since the beginning of October, my entire life has been changing. I’ve noticed a transformation going on within me that has healed and changed so much of my life long emotional issues and strengthened, not only my faith, but my belief in myself and in the metaphysical.

For the first time ever in my life, I’m willing to say without hesitation that I am most definitely psychic, empathic, and VERY intuitive and that all these things have worth. All my life these gifts have been my handicap, they’ve been the things I had to learn to work around so I didn’t offend, annoy or otherwise bother the people around me.

You know what?

Oct 31, 2013

Don't Let Separation End You.

It's been a bit now since I last heard his voice. You all know the pain and the torment. That, I want so badly to feed my soul with our connection, but he's hurt me so much I don't want to talk to him thing?

As always, I'm walking forward in my life, even without him. I know it's only temporary, even if he and I never met again on this plain, we are eternal and will be reunited in the spiritual realms and I will not throw away my life here simply because he cannot currently find the courage to claim us.

I think of everything I've learned so far, that is the greatest lesson. I see so many of you waiting, not just waiting on your twin for reunion, but waiting on your twin before you truly live, this is wrong. I cannot express that enough. If you are a twin flame you are special, rare, not everyone is like us and if

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"Mysticism, according to its historical and psychological definitions, is the direct intuition or experience of God; and a mystic is a person who has, to a greater or less degree, such a direct experience -- one whose religion and life are centered, not merely on an accepted belief or practice, but on that which the person regards as first hand personal knowledge." -Evelyn Underhill

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Sanctuary ~ Salvation for the twin flame storm

Sanctuary is a 30 day guide from Samantha Lucas with meditations, affirmations and guidance to help you navigate your twin flame experience. For more info, please click the link above.