The more knowledge and enlightenment you can gain on the subject, the better off you will be when the extraordinary happens and either that one person you've looked for all your life finally arrives, or you recognize the person already in your life for what they truly are.
Wherever you are on the journey, the dream is to have the fullest union with your twin possible. We all want to be ignited, bonded and harmonized with our missing piece.
I'm often asked why, either ourselves, or our twins are so routinely already involved in another romantic relationship when the universe finally brings us together. That question
has more answers than you could imagine and I've watched so many people suffer greatly from the pain caused by the separation of their twin, many times because the twin has chosen another romantic partner for the time being. However, I think there are two basic reasons that apply to us all.
- You aren't ready. Either emotionally or spiritually one or the both of you are not ready for the intensity, the gift, nor the calling of a true twin flame fully bonded relationship.
- We have karmic debt to clear in every life we go through and oftentimes that's what our other romantic relationships are. These other relationships truly are necessary and when we can make peace with that, we will grow closer to our twins.
This week I was contemplating getting a puppy. It kept coming up in meditation and I was definitely being led to a specific puppy and the idea terrified me, but I was working on faith and trying to walk steadily towards this puppy.
In the end, it didn't work out and honestly, I was relieved.
Then in meditation tonight I saw clearly how my own hesitation and uncertainty with Tony, has been holding back my true union with him.
The best advice is don't fight the separation, don't fight the relationship. Don't let fear rob you of even one second with your twin and let the journey take you where you need to go. The challenge to us all is to open our arms wide and allow in the wave that looks like it may drown us and trust we'll find solid ground again somewhere in the tumult.
In the end, it didn't work out and honestly, I was relieved.
Then in meditation tonight I saw clearly how my own hesitation and uncertainty with Tony, has been holding back my true union with him.
The best advice is don't fight the separation, don't fight the relationship. Don't let fear rob you of even one second with your twin and let the journey take you where you need to go. The challenge to us all is to open our arms wide and allow in the wave that looks like it may drown us and trust we'll find solid ground again somewhere in the tumult.
Something inside me shifted during the last separation with my twin and I was finally totally able to accept what Tony and I are to one another. Along with that acceptance came the absolute certainty that we will be together in this lifetime and will share more love and passion than either of us can fathom now. With the certainty, came peace. I'm so certain of Tony and I, that the other woman and his relationship with her, no longer evokes any strong feelings in me at all.
I know when he's with her and it doesn't eat at me. I listen to him talk of her and my emotions stay very balanced. I hear songs on the radio that have made me weep for months and now, maybe two of them, I still twinge a bit, but for the most part, nothing. The pain is gone. It's been replaced with knowing and love and faith and that is the most amazing thing.
I don't feel the need to get Tony to recognize what we are, to see me as the other half of him or to walk away from the life he's built now. He and I will have our time and it's coming soon, finding absolute peace in that is the greatest thing that's happened to me in months! I think giving him the peace and freedom to walk his path, knowing I won't leave him, may be the best thing that's happened to him in months. lol Or at the very least it must be a relief.
The journey to uniting with your twin is supposed to be a cleansing fire of sorts, it's meant to rip you apart so you can heal and rebuild. It deals with the ego which is never pleasant, it reflects back on you all your baggage from previous relationships and areas where it's time to do the work and get your healing. It uncovers every fear and insecurity you have and though I realize all that seems harsh and possibly unnecessary, when you are on the other side and you see who you've become, you will understand how perfect the journey truly has been.
The hardest thing we have to accept, is that the twin flame is NOT a storybook romance plot-line. Always remember this is a divine calling, the relationship is holy and you are being called to so much more than merely a lovely wedding and a passionate sex life. The journey is hard. It is painful. The passion and connection with your twin comes, ignites, goes, then returns, but in the end, being ignited, bonded and harmonized with your twin is worth whatever it takes to get there.
Learning to embrace our twins and love them unconditionally is the greatest burden we carry and purest gift we receive. Too often we get bogged down in the lack of romantic love in these relationships at the beginning and lose so much of the worth from having that other person in your life at all. When we learn to love fully, wholly, from our souls without expectation, without demands, without the need of reciprocity, that is when we evolve and become so much more than we ever would have without the journey.
This is my new Facebook page for sharing and enlightenment for Twin Flame relationships Please come on by and "like" it!
Dear Samantha,
Have you've been involved in the New Age movement or had tremendous sex dreams with your twin before encountering him.
The question you wonder about : "why our twins are so routinely already involved in another romantic relationship when the universe finally brings us together." can find other answers than the spiritual one you give.
Indeed, the literature about concerning the TF phenomenon always speaks about "God" as a creator of this. But I think that the real VERY important question to be asked is this one :
Why a so called-"God" of peace, love blablabla would split souls in 2 halves, put them down here to create the extreme psychodrama involves in the TF relationship ?
Is this the deed of a loving father, creator whatever the name he gives to himself ? It looks like the deeds of a psychopath rather than a "God". Would a sane mother of twins separate them for their good? NO
So I really invite you to read this because the feature you wonder about concerning the twins to be already engaged with someone else when they met is one of the feature of the love-bite and this is no-god-like AT ALL :
I know it might be hard to face some kind of truth but an uncomfortable truth is better than a comfortable lie about TF because even the separation stage can be romanticized keeping the victims under an emotional co-dependance that is just the opposite way of individual sovereignty.
In my case, when I met my twin, none of us were engaged in a relationship, none of us had ever been married and none of us had any children. This is quite unusual considering the mature age we had, 38 for me and 54 for him.
So what I am saying here is that discerning the TF encounter to be real or false (triggered by other beings that you) is extremely complicated. This discernment can be improved by acknowledging the love-bite phenomenon where the New Age takes a central place by recruiting people so willing to give up their individual sovereignty to so-called god, ascent master or archangel or who ever these entities pretend to be.
If I get interested in that matter it's because my TF journey has been partly disrupted by an alien (reptilian) interference during the separation stage.
Can you imagine what I've been through ?
But however, alien interferences or not, the separation was inevitable because of the borderline issues of my twin.
I continue in other comment because this one is too long
Truth is Love
Eve Lorgen gives the main features of a love-bite scenario. But I seem to have experience a double scenario where aline interferences overlap an authentic TF story.
It's very difficult to discern what is true or false and I'm building my own list of the features of what I call an authentic TF encounter.
By authentic I mean a "contract" freely decided between to FREE souls in the free dimensions beyond the matrix of the corrupt demiurge and its army of angels, archangels, ascent masters.
These features of an authentic TF are this one and it's not finished, I think I'l be working at refining my discernment about this phenomenon until the end of my life:
1- The serendipity of the encounter : NONO OF THE TWINS were actively looking after one another through New Age workshop and brainwashing
2- The length of the recognition process is VERY important too. I don’t think that a brutal obsession for someone you don’t know is a good sign of an authentic stuff.
First of all it can be due to personality disorders triggered by a special encounter in special circumstances but none of this is a proof of a real recognition. It should take time, maybe years. In our case, it took us 16 years.
3- Where and how the signs and synchronicities happen : the real signs might come from Mother Earth Herself or through choices you made in your life ling before the encounter. The signs and synchronicities coming through mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms. The false signs might be given by machines like the 11:11 stuff : machines are the realm of archons.
4- The encounter should be eased by the circumstances : none of the twins should be involved in another relationship when they meet.
Because you can't say on the one hand that "fate" or « god » bring the twins together through synchoronicities when they are ready and on the other hand that the encounter is impossible because their own life is already on other rails than being available for such an encounter which TF. It just doesn't make any sense. If the twins are ready to recognize one another, it's not possible for them to be engaged with someone else at the moment of the encounter. If it's the case ot means that the encounter begins with cheating (mentally of course but this is a none the less a treatury) on the actual partner.
Beginning a so-called "pure divine love" by cheating on a partner doesn't fit at all in my own vision of the Real Divine.
Truth even uncomfortable is real Love
I finish my 3 posts by adding this.
What do we see in this TF literature is absolutely clear : who write posts?
99% are women trying to understand what they lived but most of them aren't decolonized from patriarchy and stay (like you describe it in one of your articles) in an awful dependance and even abusive relationship with their male twins.
This is not right : this is the extreme opposite of what a TF couple should be.
If every woman on Earth have to reconquered their sovereignty (this is an emergency now : I think the futur of mankind depend on this to happen or not), then a woman involved in an authentic TF journey has no other choice than to demand with no concession that their male twin respect them entirely as free beings. If not, the story happen to be an awful abusive scenario where it's always the looser is always the same person : the woman.
So a TF story is THE OPPORTUNITY for the woman to definitely conquered their freedom concerning love affairs, it's the biggest opportunity a woman could have in her life to rebirth as a complete person.
Even if you're convinced of living an authentic TF encounter, it might not be possible to live the couple in physicality because of the incredible amount of work required for the man. Even if he's been abe to recognize you and live the encounter with you, there almost no chance that he's being able to die to himself to rebirth to a complete new manhood which can fit to a TF couple in material world.
Indeed, living a TF couple requires for the man to completely decolonize his brain of patriarcal dominion patterns. It requires for the man to symbolically die to everything he believed that established him as a man in society and in the eye of the woman he loves and to recreate a hole new pattern of manhood.
It requires for the man to be able to kneel (nbot in a dominated posture) before his woman twin recognizing her as the manifestation of the sacred divine feminine of himself which means she IS the teacher of the mysteries of life process, she carries in her body the secret knowledge patriarchy us so willing to appropriate by its own ways of dominion.
For sure, they are very very very few man who are capable of such a transformation and it's not going to happen if the man has personality disorders or too big childhood issues. Our societies are built by men for men to escape their psyche, their feelings, their emotions, to see themselves and the world on a binary mode with hierarchical organizations. They are completely blind to symbiotic relationship that occurs in the nature for instance between individuals of the same species and even between individiual of different species.
They are completely lost if thay can't represent themselves in a hierarchical map.
Women know this, this is why single women often live wit ha a cat while single mn often live with a dog.
This feature is highly enlightening about the expectations of woman and man in a relationship. Living with a cat is more about a companionship than domination. You can't train a cat to do what you want him/her to do. You have to constantly deal with your cat to share the space and the time. Having a sane relationship with a dog requires a domination link of the human on the dog. If not, the relationship is insane and even dangerous.
So in a word, I can't hardly imagine how it's possible by now for a TF to be established as a couple as is true 99,99% of men can't do the work it requires for such a novel couple to exist.
Truth is Love
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